Keeping people safe is our first priority
Bosch cares about safety. All our products are designed to assure users that their lives will not only be protected, but quickly and effectively saved. A swift response by the fire detection system is absolutely crucial for alerting services and getting help. And because all our products can be combined, a complete solution can be built from just one source.
Clamp down on fire
With over 80 years of experience in fire alarm systems, we have products to suit all applications. Our automatic detector series also includes multi-criteria and flush-mount variants that offer nearly invisible detection. We supplement these products with highly flexible, user-friendly control panels, such as the Modular Fire Panel 5000 Series, for coordinating fire alarms and other event-related messages. Our unique panel design gives you tailor-made protection. Manual call points, sounders, strobes and interface modules complete the solution.
Get the message across
Evacuating a large number of people spread throughout a large site requires trained on-site personnel and a failsafe EVAC (emergency voice alarm communication) system. Bosch offers a range of highly robust EVAC products for sites of all sizes, for faster, more efficient and safer evacuations.
Safety, security and efficiency
Preemptive maintenance is the key to preventing costly false alarms and ensuring fires are detected in time. Remote Connect, Remote Maintenance and Remote Alert enable technicians to be more efficient and effective with their service calls using remote diagnostics – saving costs, assets and lives.
A Bosch fire alarm system provides you with the opportunity to retain the value of your equipment, as all new systems designed by Bosch interface with previously installed systems. From reliable fire detection to advanced voice evacuation, Bosch delivers a safe, futureproof investment for any kind of location. In a technology driven world, Bosch offers you exactly what you need.
Bosch offers a broad portfolio of EN- and UL-certified products* and systems for accurate, reliable fire detection and notification. Our solutions provide precise, life-saving information at critical moments – you can count on us.
Bosch gives you the opportunity to configure your own system according to your specific needs based on the modular principle. The system adapts to the nature and size of your facility’s application, so you are provided with flexibility in your buying decisions.
Bosch offers you the unique software development kit (SDK) suite, containing all the tools to design customer specific fire safety management systems and software modifications.
Product Series
Control Panels

State of Art Detectors

Interface Modules

Manual Call Points
Sounders & Strobes

Voice Alarm Integration

Remote Services

Video Based Fire Detection
Source from :
Bosch Security
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Detect Fire with Fire Alarm Camera
Security Surveillance | Closed-Circuit Television
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