Code of COnduct

Compliance and Integrity
All Committed, All Compliant!


Complying with legal and regulatory requirements is a challenge we meet in all countries where we operate. However, we not only rise to this challenge but go beyond it, because we make compliance and integrity a core, daily priority for our associates. 

Sonepar is committed to the highest ethical, social and environmental standards and aims to behave as a responsible corporate citizen in all countries where it operates.


In 2019, Sonepar became the first group in France to have been officially declared compliant with all the requirements of France’s Sapin II anti-corruption law. The decision was handed down on July 4, 2019 by the Enforcement Committee of the French Anti-corruption Agency (Agence Française Anticorruption – AFA). Sonepar has rolled out all of the eight measures and procedures required: code of conduct, whistleblowing scheme, risk map, third party due to diligence procedures, accounting control procedures, training program, internal disciplinary procedure, procedure for internal monitoring and assessment of these measures.

Follow up your concerns in Sonepar's alert system: (For concerns created prior to December 16, 2021)
I want to lodge/follow up an alert in Sonepar's alert system: (For concerns created after December 16, 2021)